
Adventure Time


Characters eyes in adventure time are drawn in several ways. Jake’s eyes are large and don’t have pupils whilst the majority of the other characters, including Finn, have black dots for eyes. There are also characters who have eyes unique to them such as lemongrab who’s eyes are shaped like a squashed oval.

Image result for lemongrab adventure timeImage result for princess bubblegumImage result for vampire princess adventure time


Almost all characters possess “noodle” arms with their arms being significantly skinnier than you would expect when compared to the size of their body. There are some characters however that have arms proportional to their size like “Candy Person 3”, “Muscle Princess” and “Prince Huge”. No character in Adventure Time possesses elbows which allows there arms to bend in any way the artist of the show chooses.

Image result for adventure time buff muffinImage result for jakeImage result for finn adventure time

Line Thickness

The line that surrounds a characters body is the thickest line and makes the stand out from the background. The line that surrounds the features of a characters body is thinner so the features stand out from the line of the body.

My Attempt

Didn’t go very well as my drawing does not resemble the style of the show and doesn’t show volume


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